Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-2 z 2

    • Efficiency in rewarding academic journal publications. The case of Poland 

      Charemza, Wojciech; Lewandowski, Michał; Woźny, Łukasz (2021-02)
      We consider the efficiency of a mechanism for incentivising publication in academic journals where a research supervisory body awards points for papers that appear in quality publications. Building on the principal-agent ...
    • On journal rankings and researchers' abilities 

      Charemza, Wojciech; Lewandowski, Michał; Woźny, Łukasz (2023-09)
      Over the last few years, ranking lists of academic journals have become one of the key indicators for evaluating individual researchers, departments and universities. How to optimally design such rankings? What can we learn ...