Browsing by Title
Now showing items 402-421 of 977
L’Etat comme catalyseur de la culture ouverte? Quelle politique culturelle et quelles médiations face aux circuits informels de la culture?
(L'Harmattan, 2016)Le rôle de l’Etat par rapport au secteur de la culture est de stimuler le développement de celle-ci et d’inciter les citoyens à participer à la culture. Sous la révolution numérique, ce rôle a dû évoluer. L’objectif de cet ... -
L’industrie du disque et sa chaîne de valeur après le virage numérique – quels défis pour la créativité des artistes ?
(Industries Culturelles et Creation Artistique, 2018)Le virage numérique, en offrant aux artistes une puissance sans précédent se manifestant par une indépendance et une liberté artistique, ainsi que par la possibilité d’intervenir à tous les maillons de la chaîne de valeur, ... -
Macroeconomic Effects of Quantitative Easing Using Mid-sized Bayesian Vector Autoregressions
(2021-10)The paper estimates macroeconomic effects and decomposes transmission channels of quantitative easing in the United States using 15-variable Bayesian vector autoregressive model with stochastic search variable selection ... -
Management Education of Intercultural Groups – Traps of Stereotypes
(2010)Author presents a new perspective of business education of intercultural groups of students. Based on stereotypes analysis she has unhidden barriers of communication between students and lecturers, weak points of education ... -
Managerial Aspects of Employing People with Asperger Syndrome in Poland
(2018)The article presents managerial and organizational aspects of employing people with Asperger Syndrome in enterprises in Poland. In the research process, the author conducted theoretical studies in the field of law, ... -
Mapping the Dimensions of Social Capital
(2017-03)We provide a novel survey dataset of a representative sample of the Polish population (n = 1000), allowing for a detailed quantification of Bourdieu's (1986) definition of social capital as the aggregate of resources ... -
Marketing - między koncentracją na kliencie a orientacją na interesariuszy
(2015)Marketing, mimo swojej ponad stuletniej tradycji, pozostaje dziedziną stosunkowo młodą o nieukształtowanej jeszcze w pełni tożsamości i podlegającą ciągłemu rozwojowi. Celem rozważań jest przedstawienie jednego z możliwych ... -
Markov distributional equilibrium dynamics in games with complementarities and no aggregate risk
(2020-07)We present a new approach for studying equilibrium dynamics in a class of stochastic games with a continuum of players with private types and strategic complementarities. We introduce a suitable equilibrium concept, called ... -
Markovian and multi-curve friendly parametrisation of HJM model used in valuation adjustment of interest rate derivatives
(2018-06)We consider feasible Heath-Jarrow-Morton framework specifications that are easily implementable in XVA engines when pricing linear and non-linear interest rate derivatives in multicurve environment. Our particular focus ... -
Measures of Success in Small and Medium-Sized Business in Poland
(2014)The purpose of the article is to determine the development opportunities of small and medium-sized enterprises in Poland. The authors paid special attention to finding and defining barriers to their development not only ... -
Measuring the uncertainty of shadow economy estimates using Bayesian and frequentist model averaging
(2020-03)Economic literature provides little discussion on the uncertainty around the macroeconometric shadow economy estimates. We fill this gap by deriving the measurement error of the shadow economy estimates stemming from the ... -
Mechanizmy reakcji klientów na działania organizacji w gospodarce opartej na wiedzy
(2018)Na podstawie dostępnych w literaturze modeli oraz wyników empirycznych z zakresu zachowań konsumenckich przeanalizowano, w jaki sposób zjawiska konsumpcyjne związane z gospodarką opartą na wiedzy (GOW) mogą wpływać na ... -
Media społecznościowe jako narzędzie nowoczesnego marketingu usług hotelarskich
(Almamer Szkoła Wyższa. Wydział Turystyki i Rekreacji, 2013)Celem opracowania jest omówienie pojęcia i charakteru tzw. nowych mediów (mediów społecznościowych), wskazanie wpływu, jaki wywierają one na zachowania nabywców oraz zasady kreowania komunikatów rynkowych i założenia ... -
Medical tourism services and medical tourism destinations in Central and Eastern Europe - the opinion of Britons and Germans
(2019-07-04)The aim of this paper is to identify preferred Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) medical tourism destinations (MTD) and medical services in the context of socio-demographic determinants. The computer-assisted web interviewing ... -
Megatrends and Their Use in Economic Analyses of Contemporary Challenges in The World Economy
(2018)The objective of the article was to perform a literature review to analyze the use of megatrends as an analytical framework in various areas of economic and social discourse. Following SALSA methodology, the scope of the ... -
Methods of increasing bank capital effectiveness – part 1
(2009-10)One of the goals of every rationally working enterprise, including a bank, is making the most effective use of the capital at its disposal. Bearing in mind that capital becomes a limited resource for banks and at the ... -
Methods of Increasing Bank Capital Effectiveness – part 2
(2012-06)The present study continues the author’s deliberations on commercial bank capital management. These deliberations are included in the series of three closely related articles. This article is second part of serie. The ... -
Methods of Increasing Bank Capital Effectiveness – part 3
(2012-09)A series of publications have proposed numerous solutions in order to reduce the undesired impact of capital effectiveness measures on the capital adequacy. They also present individual effectiveness measuring tools which ... -
Methods of strategic analysis supporting the elaboration of company's innovation strategy
(2015)Both theory and practical experience in the scope of company management prove that formulation and selection of innovation strategy should be preceded and accompanied by analyses of numerous internal and external factors ... -
Metodologia badania rynku pracy w turystyce
(Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie, Ministerstwo Sportu i Turystyki, 2014)Raport zrealizowany w ramach umowy zawartej między Szkołą Główną Handlową w Warszawie i Ministerstwem Sportu i Turystyki (nr umowy 2014 099/725/BP/05), której przedmiotem były w szczególności: analiza dostępności i jakości ...