Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-6 z 6

    • Międzynarodowy handel dobrami wysokiej techniki – przypadek Chin 

      Kuźnar, Andżelika (2017)
      International trade statistics reveal that China is a major exporter of high-tech goods, catching up with the leaders. . They occupy first place in the export of computers and electronic products. According to the ...
    • Azjatycki pivot od USA ku … ? 

      Kuźnar, Andżelika; Menkes, Jerzy (2017)
      We analyze the consequences of the change in US foreign policy following Trump's election for the President of the USA. The aim is to answer the question whether the US decision to turn away from its allies in Asia, will ...
    • Trójkąt Europa, Ameryka, Azja w dobie administracji Trumpa 

      Kuźnar, Andżelika; Menkes, Jerzy (2018)
      Objęciu przez Trumpa urzędu prezydenta USA towarzyszyła zapowiedź radykalnej zmiany polityki zagranicznej, potwierdzona przez oficjalne wypowiedzi i decyzje. Celem artykułu jest odpowiedź na pytania: czy USA odwrócą się ...
    • Dynamics and Factors of Innovation Gap Between the European Union and China 

      Kowalski, Arkadiusz Michał (2021)
      The article focuses on the problem of innovation gap in the world economy, as there are in general countries with developed national innovation systems, playing the role of technology leaders, and those with developing ...
    • Innovation Divide in the World Economy: China’s Convergence Towards the Triad 

      Kowalski, Arkadiusz Michał (2022)
      The objective of this article is to assess the dynamics of the innovation divide between China and the Triad, as well as to determine the factors that influence its evolution. The Triad consists of three ...
    • Drivers of China’s Convergence to Innovation Leaders 

      Kowalski, Arkadiusz Michał; McCaleb, Agnieszka; Weresa, Marzenna Anna (2022)
      The article focuses on the innovation divide in the world economy, in which some countries are technological leaders whereas the others are technological followers; however, a continuous innovation convergence has been ...