Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-2 z 2

    • Agricultural and Rural Development Policy in 2007-2013 

      Kowalczyk, Stanisław (2010)
      The European Union commences another budget period (2007-2013). This means significant changes for agriculture and rural areas with respect to the manner and the scope of financing of this sector, which were started in ...
    • Drogi i bezdroża polskiego rolnictwa 

      Jarosz-Nojszewska, Anna (Oficyna Wydawnicza - Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie, 2017)
      Polish agriculture, from the beginning of the systemic transformation in 1989, came a long way from the agriculture functioning in the system of the centrally planned economy to the modern, and still modernizing, capitalist ...