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Now showing items 118-137 of 968
Decentralizacja władztwa podatkowego jako wyzwanie dla reformy systemu podatków lokalnych. Tezy
(Warszawa : Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie - Oficyna Wydawnicza, 2011)W tekście opracowania, ujętego w formie tez, poruszono wybrane aspekty decentralizacji władztwa podatkowego. Pierwsza część ma dwa główne cele. Pierwszym jest wskazanie, że podstawowe pojęcia dotyczące podatków lokalnych ... -
Decomposition of trends in youth unemployment – the role of job accessions and separations in countries with different employment protection regimes
(2013)We examine the drivers of youth unemployment in Poland and Spain, countries where youth have a marginalised labour market position. We decompose the trends in unemployment rates in 1990-2011. We disentangle the role of ... -
Demand for Management Staff in tourism sector of Wielkopolska
(2011)In the paper author has presented basic definitions of labour market, tourism and consequently tourism sector as a labour market. Moreover, based on strategies prepared by local government of the Wielkopolska Region in ... -
Demografia jako czynnik globalnie naruszonej równowagi
(2012)Problemy demograficzne, w tym szybki przyrost ludności w najbiedniejszych krajach, wzrost mobilności, nomadyzm i starzenie się społeczeństw bogatych, zaliczane są do jednego z głównych czynników głęboko naruszonej równowagi. ... -
Demografia przedsiębiorstw : analiza ilościowa upadłości w Polsce i na świecie
(2016)Niniejszy artykuł zawiera analizę ilościową upadłości przedsiębiorstw w Polsce i wybranych krajach na świecie w latach 1997-2015. Głównym celem było zobrazowanie skali tego zjawiska oraz ukazanie jego aktualnego trendu. ... -
Demographics and the natural interest rate in the euro area
(2020-07)We investigate the impact of demographics on the natural rate of interest (NRI) in the euro area, with a particular focus on the role played by economic openness, migrations and pension system design. To this end, we ... -
Designing an organisation’s computerisation strategy
(Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Management, 2022-09)The study guides the reder through the complex processes of preparing the basic strategy, understood as focused on taking into account the conditions of developing digital civilization, and then through the preparation ... -
Destination Management Organizations and Health Tourism Visual Identification in Central and Eastern Europe
(2019)Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify and diagnose the activities of national destination management organizations (DMOs) from Central and Eastern European countries (CEEC) in the scope of a visual identification ... -
Determinants of choosing a business model in small and medium-sized enterprises
(2018-11)In the face of continuous changes in the business environment both in local markets and worldwide, we need adequate elements of a business model that would allow enterprises to compete and help them generate market value. ... -
Determinants of Convention & Conference Site Selection: The Polish Event Planners' Perspective
(Politecnico de Leira, 2014)The paper presents results of research on Polish event planners. The overall purpose of the study is to investigate main destination selection variables Polish event planners consider important in destination selection ... -
Development Cooperation Within the Framework of the World Trade Organization
(SGH Publishing House, 2021-07)The book addresses the issues of international development cooperation and the involvement of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in activities supporting developing countries in their integration into the world trading ... -
Diagnosing and developing the e-business competencies of the "Z" generation
(2019)The purpose of the article is to present an example of a diagnostic tool for identifying the competence gap of representatives of the “Z” generation who want to conduct business in the e-business model. The first part ... -
Diagnosis of competences in project teams
(IEA Press, International Ergonomics Association, Madison USA, 2007)The goal of this paper is to present the process of Evolute (Cycloid) Polish version implementation and results of first students’ evaluation in Poznan University College of Business and Foreign Languages. Authors based ... -
Did Men Benefit More from Medical Progress in Recent Decades? Cause-of-Death Contributions to the Decreasing Sex-Gap in Life Expectancy in the United States
(2014)BACKGROUND The narrowing of the sex gap in life-expectancy since the mid-1970s in the United States has been explained by women’s growing involvement in previously male-dominated risky behaviours, and in particular tobacco ... -
Did the COVID-19 Pandemic Make Consumers Shop Alone? The Role of Emotions and Interdependent Self-Construal
(2021)The paper aims to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and possible future global epidemic events on shopping behavioral patterns. Specifically, the paper investigates consumer pandemic-related isolation behavior ... -
Different women’s employment and fertility behaviours in similar institutional settings: Evidence from Italy and Poland
(2011)In this paper we compare Italy and Poland, two countries where the country-specific obstacles to work and family reconciliation are similarly strong, but which differ in terms of the history of women’s labour force ... -
Diffusion of cohabitation in Poland
(2010)This paper attempts to establish the stage Poland has reached in the process of cohabitation diffusion, referring to the theoretical model of the process developed in demographic literature. Official statistics suggest ... -
The Digital Era, Viewed From a Perspective of Millennia of Economic Growth
(2018-04)I propose a synthetic theory of economic growth and technological progress over the entire human history. Based on this theory as well as on the analogies with three previous eras (the hunter-gatherer era, the agricultural ... -
Digitalization and Competitiveness in the Logistics Service Industry
(2018-12)This study aims to present changes that are taking place in the market of logistics services as a result of the development of digital technologies and show their influence on the business models of logistics service ... -
A Dirty Look From The Neighbors. Does Living In A Religious Neighborhood Prevent Cohabitation
(2014)The aim of the paper is to provide insights into how religion influences the family formation process. In particular, we analyze the impact of a neighborhood context religiosity on an individual decision to enter cohabitation. ...