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dc.contributor.authorCesarski, Maciej
dc.identifier.citationCesarski M., Zamieszkiwanie jako cel i przedmiot nauk o polityce publicznej – rola mieszkalnictwa i osadnictwa, „Studia z Polityki Publicznej” 2017, nr 1(13), s. 65–86pl
dc.description.abstractThe article aims to observe the purpose and subject of “public policy sciences” from the perspective of living space. The role of housing policy and settlement in this respect is at the core of the paper reasoning. It requires reflection on the relationships of social, housing and settlement policies, and their location on the background of other elements and disciplines of social sciences in the context of living. Public policy relations of a systemic, political, economic and social character, as well as of natural and ecological one, which complement the concept of sustainable development, are also discussed. This concept focused more than ever on a fair and decent habitation of successive generations, by substantially increasing the role of housing and settlement policy, highlights that the aim and subject of “the public policy sciences’ is the living space.en
dc.rightsDozwolony użytek*
dc.subjectpublic policy sciencesen
dc.subjectliving spaceen
dc.subjecthousing and settlement policyen
dc.subjectsustainable developmenten
dc.titleZamieszkiwanie jako cel i przedmiot nauk o polityce publicznej – rola mieszkalnictwa i osadnictwapl
dc.title.alternativeHabitation as a goal and subject of public policy sciences – the role of housing and settlementen
dc.title.journalStudia z Polityki Publicznejpl
dc.title.jurnalparallelPublic Policy Studiesen

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