Now showing items 49-68 of 104

    • Labor market institutions and the business cycle: The role of unemployment fears 

      Bielecki, Marcin; Kolasa, Marcin; Kopiec, Paweł (2023-12)
      We study the effects of labor market institutions (LMIs) in a general equilibrium model with search and matching frictions, endogenous separations, nominal rigidities, and uninsurable unemployment risk. By contrasting the ...
    • Learning own preferences through consumption 

      Kapera, Marek (2022-04)
      This paper provides theoretical foundations for preference discovery theory. We propose to relax the assumption that the consumer has perfect knowledge of their own preferences, so that the consumer knows only the subjective ...
    • Learning, experimentation and the convergence of the discovered preferences 

      Kapera, Marek (2024-03)
      In this article I study whether the interim preferences of the consumer can be expected to converge to their real preferences in the process of preference discovery. I construct a subjective expected utility model of the ...
    • Lindhal meets Condorcet? 

      Ghosal, Sayantan; Woźny, Łukasz (2024-09)
      Although a Condorcet winner commands a majority in its favor, there is no guarantee of unanimity. In a Lindahl equilibrium, a suitably chosen system of personalized transfers and prices ensures unanimity, but there is no ...
    • Local versions of Tarski’s theorem for correspondences 

      Balbus, Łukasz; Olszewski, Wojciech; Reffett, Kevin; Woźny, Łukasz (2023-03)
      For a strong set order increasing (resp., strongly monotone) upper order hemicontinuous correspondence mapping a complete lattice A into itself (resp., a sigma-complete lattice into itself), we provide conditions for tight ...
    • Macroeconomic Effects of Quantitative Easing Using Mid-sized Bayesian Vector Autoregressions 

      Stefański, Maciej (2021-10)
      The paper estimates macroeconomic effects and decomposes transmission channels of quantitative easing in the United States using 15-variable Bayesian vector autoregressive model with stochastic search variable selection ...
    • Mapping the Dimensions of Social Capital 

      Growiec, Katarzyna; Growiec, Jakub; Kamiński, Bogumił (2017-03)
      We provide a novel survey dataset of a representative sample of the Polish population (n = 1000), allowing for a detailed quantification of Bourdieu's (1986) definition of social capital as the aggregate of resources ...
    • Markov distributional equilibrium dynamics in games with complementarities and no aggregate risk 

      Balbus, Łukasz; Dziewulski, Paweł; Reffett, Kevin; Woźny, Łukasz (2020-07)
      We present a new approach for studying equilibrium dynamics in a class of stochastic games with a continuum of players with private types and strategic complementarities. We introduce a suitable equilibrium concept, called ...
    • Markovian and multi-curve friendly parametrisation of HJM model used in valuation adjustment of interest rate derivatives 

      Dec, Marcin (2018-06)
      We consider feasible Heath-Jarrow-Morton framework specifications that are easily implementable in XVA engines when pricing linear and non-linear interest rate derivatives in multicurve environment. Our particular focus ...
    • Measuring the uncertainty of shadow economy estimates using Bayesian and frequentist model averaging 

      Dybka, Piotr; Olesiński, Bartosz; Rozkrut, Marek; Torój, Andrzej (2020-03)
      Economic literature provides little discussion on the uncertainty around the macroeconometric shadow economy estimates. We fill this gap by deriving the measurement error of the shadow economy estimates stemming from the ...
    • Monetary policy and COVID-19 

      Brzoza-Brzezina, Michał; Kolasa, Marcin; Makarski, Krzysztof (2021-07)
      We study the macroeconomic effects of the COVID-19 epidemic in a quantitative dynamic general equilibrium setup with nominal rigidities. We evaluate various containment policies and show that they allow to dramatically ...
    • Multiple unemployment spells duration in Poland 

      Gałecka-Burdziak, Ewa (2016-08)
      I study multiple unemployment spells. I refer to Poland, as this country experiences high incidence of the long-term unemployment and long mean incomplete unemployment duration. I estimate conditional risk set model for ...
    • Natural Rate of Interest in a Small Open Economy with Application to CEE Countries 

      Stefański, Maciej (2023-09)
      This paper extends the Laubach-Williams (2003) framework, which is widely used to estimate the natural rate of interest, to make it more suitable for studying small open economies. The model is augmented with consumer ...
    • The non-linear nature of country risk and its implications for DSGE models 

      Brzoza-Brzezina, Michał; Kotłowski, Jacek (2018-05)
      Country risk premia can substantially affect macroeconomic dynamics. We concentrate on one of their most important determinants - a country’s net foreign asset position and - in contrast to the existing research - investigate ...
    • On complementary symmetry and reference dependence 

      Lewandowski, Michał; Woźny, Łukasz (2020-12)
      This paper reevaluates the complementary symmetry hypothesis and the supporting experimental evidence. Originally the hypothesis was stated for binary risky prospects. We generalize the hypothesis to arbitrary state-contingent ...
    • On journal rankings and researchers' abilities 

      Charemza, Wojciech; Lewandowski, Michał; Woźny, Łukasz (2023-09)
      Over the last few years, ranking lists of academic journals have become one of the key indicators for evaluating individual researchers, departments and universities. How to optimally design such rankings? What can we learn ...
    • On the limits of macroprudential policy 

      Marcin, Kolasa (2016-02)
      This paper studies how macroprudential policy tools can complement the interest rate-based monetary policy in achieving a selection of dual stabilization objectives. We show analytically in a canonical New Keynesian model ...
    • On the Optimal Labor Income Share 

      Growiec, Jakub; McAdam, Peter; Mućk, Jakub (2018-02)
      Labor's share of income has attracted interest in recent years reflecting its apparent decline. These falls, witnessed across many countries, are usually deemed undesirable. Any such assertion, however, begs the question ...
    • On the sources of economic growth, structural consistency of agent-based models and mental-accounting consumer behaviour 

      Chudziak, Szymon (2022-03-18)
      An assessment of the sources of growth in agent- and general equilibrium-based models is presented, along a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of existing approaches to growth modelling. The empirical and theoretical ...
    • On the trade-offs in money market benchmarks' stabilisation 

      Dec, Marcin (2018-09)
      We propose a theoretical stochastic set-up for a panel of contributors to a volume weighted raw money market index, which is the main contribution of this research. 'The hypothetical problems with: changes in the panel's ...