Browsing KAE Working Papers by Title
Now showing items 77-96 of 105
Reforming housing rental market in a life-cycle model
(2017-09)Housing rental market share in most countries around the world is low. We explore the reasons behind this underdevelopment with a survey conducted among a representative group of 1005 Poles. It turns out that strong tenure ... -
Regional economic impact assessment with missing input-output data: a spatial econometrics approach for Poland
(2016-03)We propose a novel method of constructing multisector-multiregion input-output tables, based on the standard multisector tables and the tools of spatial econometrics. Voivodship-level (NUTS-2) and subregion-level data ... -
Repeated moral hazard with costly self control
(2016-10)We consider a repeated principal-agent model, where a single agent exhibits problems of self control modelled using Gul and Pesendorfer (2001) type temptation preferences. In such a setting, for a parameterized strength ... -
The role of fractional-reserve banking in amplifying credit booms: evidence from panel data
(2017-03)I use panel data on 20 countries to analyze the links between savings (defined as time deposits and savings accounts) and credit extended by banks. Credit growth is not related to prior changes in savings, at least not in ... -
The Role of the Monetary Policy Stance for the Goverment Spending Multiplier in Poland
(2022-11)We empirically explore monetary and fiscal policy coordination in Poland. In particular, we study whether the empirical effects of a government spending shock on output depend on the stance of monetary policy. We find no ... -
The role of uncertainty and sentiment for intraday volatility connectedness between oil and financial markets
(2023-11)We quantify intraday volatility connectedness between oil and key financial assets and assess how it is related to uncertainty and sentiment measures. For that purpose, we integrate the well-known spillover methodology ... -
Smets and Wouters model estimated with skewed shocks - empirical study of forecasting properties
(2016-12)In this paper we estimate a Smets and Wouters (2007) model with shocks following a closed skew normal distribution (csn) introduced in Gonzalez-Farias et al. (2004), which nests a normal distribution as a special case. In ... -
Social Network Dynamics : Individual-Level Mechanisms and Aggregate Outcomes
(2018-05-10)Based on a calibrated computational multi-agent model with an overlapping generations structure, we investigate society-level consequences of creation and destruction of social ties at the individual level. The steady state ... -
Social Network Structure and The Trade-Off Between Social Utility and Economic Performance
(2017-03)Based on a novel computational multi-agent model, we identify the keymechanisms allowing the social network structure, summarized by four key socialcapital dimensions (network degree, centrality, bridging and bonding social ... -
A solution to the global identification problem in DSGE models
(2023-01)We develop an analytical framework to study global identification in structural models with forward-looking expectations. Our identification condition combines the similarity transformation linking the observationally ... -
Spatial labour market matching
(2016-05)We analyse to what extent spatial interactions affect the labour market matching process. We apply spatial econometrics methods (including spatial panel Durbin model), which are rarely used in labour market matching analysis. ... -
Strategie, koalicje i szczęśliwe zakończenia: teoria gier w baśniach
(2023-06)Celem opracowania jest wskazanie przykładów zastosowań matematycznej teorii gier do opisu baśni i utworów bezpośrednio nimi inspirowanych. Przedstawione są podstawowe definicje teorii gier (strategia, strategia dominująca, ... -
Supply chains shocks and inflation in Europe
(2023-09)This article quantifies the effects of supply chains disruptions on inflation in European economies. We apply the local projections method in a panel framework and estimate responses of nine measures of consumer and producer ... -
Synergy or competition? Case heterogeneity and court performance in Polish first-instance civil and commercial courts
(2024-11)In this study, we use data on Polish civil and commercial courts of first instance to examine the determinants of the court output measured by the number of cases they adjudicate. Besides taking into account a caseload, ... -
Time consistent equilibria in dynamic models with recursive payoffs and behavioral discounting
(2020-11)We prove existence of time consistent equilibria in a wide class of dynamic models with recursive payoffs and generalized discounting involving both behavioral and normative applica-tions. Our generalized Bellman equation ... -
To What Extent does Convergence Explain the Slowdown in Potential Growth of the CEE Countries Following the Global Financial Crisis?
(2020-12)The paper estimates a simple growth model with time-varying cross-country fixed effects on a panel of high-income countries and decomposes changes in potential growth into convergence, movements in the steady state ... -
Transmission of monetary policy and exchange rate shocks under foreign currency lending
(2017-08)This paper analyses the differences in reaction of domestic and foreign currency lending to monetary and exchange rate shocks, using a panel VAR model estimated for three biggest Central and Eastern European countries ... -
Trip your rival up and win the election? The influence of inter- and intra-party competition on allocation of discretionary investment grants in Poland
(2024-11)To date, there have been dozens of publications confirming the existence of alignment bias or hometown bias in the allocation of intergovernmental grants. However, the assumption is typically made that members of one party ... -
Unexplained native-immigrant wage gap in Poland in 2015-2016. Insights from the surveys in Warsaw and in Lublin
(2018-10)In the modern history, Poland has never experienced large wave of labour immigration comparable to observed since 2014. Massive immigration provoked a public discussion about the consequences of immigration for the Polish ... -
Unraveling the economic performance of the CEEC countries. The role of exports and global value chains
(2018-02-08)In this study we assess the importance of exports and global value chains (GVC) participation for economic growth. Using novel methods and an extensive dataset, we decompose GDP growth in the Central and Eastern European ...