Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-10 z 10

    • Repeated moral hazard with costly self control 

      Woźny, Łukasz (2016-10)
      We consider a repeated principal-agent model, where a single agent exhibits problems of self control modelled using Gul and Pesendorfer (2001) type temptation preferences. In such a setting, for a parameterized strength ...
    • An experiment on temptation and attitude towards paternalism 

      Krawczyk, Michał; Woźny, Łukasz (2016-10)
      In this project we investigate experimentally the link between self-control and attitude towards paternalism in a principal-agent framework. This allows us to distinguish between models of costly self-control and models ...
    • On uniqueness of time-consistent Markov policies for quasi-hyperbolic consumers under uncertainty 

      Balbus, Łukasz; Reffett, Kevin; Woźny, Łukasz (2016-11)
      We give a set of sufficient conditions for uniqueness of a time-consistent Markov stationary consumption policy for a quasi-hyperbolic household under uncertainty. To the best of our knowledge, this uniqueness result is ...
    • Markov distributional equilibrium dynamics in games with complementarities and no aggregate risk 

      Balbus, Łukasz; Dziewulski, Paweł; Reffett, Kevin; Woźny, Łukasz (2020-07)
      We present a new approach for studying equilibrium dynamics in a class of stochastic games with a continuum of players with private types and strategic complementarities. We introduce a suitable equilibrium concept, called ...
    • Time consistent equilibria in dynamic models with recursive payoffs and behavioral discounting 

      Balbus, Łukasz; Reffett, Kevin; Woźny, Łukasz (2020-11)
      We prove existence of time consistent equilibria in a wide class of dynamic models with recursive payoffs and generalized discounting involving both behavioral and normative applica-tions. Our generalized Bellman equation ...
    • On complementary symmetry and reference dependence 

      Lewandowski, Michał; Woźny, Łukasz (2020-12)
      This paper reevaluates the complementary symmetry hypothesis and the supporting experimental evidence. Originally the hypothesis was stated for binary risky prospects. We generalize the hypothesis to arbitrary state-contingent ...
    • Efficiency in rewarding academic journal publications. The case of Poland 

      Charemza, Wojciech; Lewandowski, Michał; Woźny, Łukasz (2021-02)
      We consider the efficiency of a mechanism for incentivising publication in academic journals where a research supervisory body awards points for papers that appear in quality publications. Building on the principal-agent ...
    • Iterative Monotone Comparative Statics 

      Balbus, Łukasz; Olszewski, Wojciech; Reffett, Kevin; Woźny, Łukasz (2022-02)
      For an increasing upper order hemi-continuous correspondence F selfmapping sigma-complete lattice A, we first provide tight fixed-point bounds for sufficiently large iterations on F starting from any initial point a in A. ...
    • Local versions of Tarski’s theorem for correspondences 

      Balbus, Łukasz; Olszewski, Wojciech; Reffett, Kevin; Woźny, Łukasz (2023-03)
      For a strong set order increasing (resp., strongly monotone) upper order hemicontinuous correspondence mapping a complete lattice A into itself (resp., a sigma-complete lattice into itself), we provide conditions for tight ...
    • On journal rankings and researchers' abilities 

      Charemza, Wojciech; Lewandowski, Michał; Woźny, Łukasz (2023-09)
      Over the last few years, ranking lists of academic journals have become one of the key indicators for evaluating individual researchers, departments and universities. How to optimally design such rankings? What can we learn ...