Browsing Artykuły w czasopismach naukowych / Journal articles by Subject "local governments"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Risk assessment of the local government sector based on the ratio analysis and the DEA method. Evidence from Poland
(2017)The local government (LG) sector plays an important role in the EU economies. Besides providing a vast range of public services, it accounts for over 8% of total investment. The crisis, which started in 2008, resulted in ... -
Rural Areas – Boroughs Under Pressure and Free Riders. Evidence from Poland
(2018)The analysis of rural areas in Poland on the LAU2 level reveals significant heterogeneities among these entities. Research based on demographic, wellbeing and infrastructure indicators showed that there was no uniform ... -
Mieszkania komunalne – wyzwanie dla polityki mieszkaniowej państwa w świetle badań wybranych miast
(2020-12)Pomimo jednego z najszybszych temp wzrostu gospodarczego wśród krajów Unii Europejskiej w latach 2010–2019 w Polsce nie odnotowano istotnej poprawy w zaspokajaniu potrzeb mieszkaniowych mniej zamożnych gospodarstw domowych. ...