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dc.contributor.authorWysocki, Jacek
dc.identifier.citationWysocki J., Warunki utrzymania i poprawy konkurencyjności polskich przedsiębiorstw na wspólnym rynku europejskim, "Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu", 2008, nr 20, s. 444-454pl
dc.description.abstractIn principle it tums out that the success of Polish companies on the common Europcan market depends on their ability to adapt to new conditions of competition. In practice this aim can be achieved by initiating suitable adapting and restructuring programmes which allow to eliminate weak- nesses of Polish companies, such as: poor ąuality of products, lack of Capital, Iow level of invcst- ments, outdated technologies, insufficient management and marketing knowledge or inexperience. Apart from that, in order to compctc with forcign enterprises, Polish companies should not only con- centrate on profits, but first of all on the growth of the firm value and on the creation of the value for potential clients. At present economic situation, Polish companies should throw away traditional, related with costs, sources of a competitive advantage and build their long-term strategies on the base of direct sources of competitive advantage, coming from their internal resources and competences. In fact, only internal sources give an enterprise a permanent competitive advantage that allows to compete with foreign companies and determines its market success.en
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Międzynarodowe*
dc.subjectkonkurencyjność przedsiębiorstwpl
dc.subjectwspólny rynek europejskipl
dc.subjectCompetitiveness of Companiesen
dc.titleWarunki utrzymania i poprawy konkurencyjności polskich przedsiębiorstw na wspólnym rynku europejskimpl
dc.title.alternativeSupport and Improvement of Competitiveness of Polish Companies on the Common European Markeen
dc.title.journalPrace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiupl
dc.title.volumeZarządzanie strategiczne w badaniach teoretycznych i w praktycepl

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