Browsing ISID Working Papers by Title
Now showing items 2-21 of 51
The causal effects of the number of children on female employment - do European institutional and gender conditions matter?
(2014)This paper contributes to the discussion on the effects of the number of children on female employment in Europe. Previous research has usually either (1) compared these effects across countries assuming exogeneity of ... -
The changing educational gradient in marital disruption: A meta-analysis of European longitudinal research
(2011)A large number of empirical studies have investigated the role of education in the changes in union dissolution in Europe, but these studies have so far produced inconsistent results. This paper seeks to assess the ... -
Country-Specific Conditions for Work and Family Reconciliation: An Attempt at Quantification
(2013)The country-specific conditions for work and family reconciliation have been theoretically and empirically acknowledged to constitute important determinants of fertility and women’s employment. So far, however, there have ... -
Czy Polska jest skazana na spadek podaży pracy w przyszłości? - wyniki analizy wrażliwości założeń prognoz długookresowych
(2012)Rok 2010 był prawdopodobnie ostatnim, w którym liczba osób w wieku produkcyjnym (15-64 lata) wzrastała. Oznacza to, że odwróceniu ulega obserwowana w Polsce od II wojny światowej ciągła tendencja wzrostu liczby osób, które ... -
Czy w Polsce zachodzi polaryzacja ekonomiczna?
(2017)W prezentowanym opracowaniu skoncentrowano się na ocenie czy zmiany rozkładów dochodów gospodarstw domowych w Polsce w latach 2005-2015 doprowadziły do ich polaryzacji czy też konwergencji. Ponadto zbadano czy proces ... -
Czy znamy lekarstwo na niską dzietność? Wyniki międzynarodowych badań ewaluacyjnych na temat polityki rodzinnej
(2012)Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje ideę badań ewaluacyjnych oraz dokonuje przeglądu badań mierzących wpływ przyczynowo-skutkowy reform polityki rodzinnej na dzietność. W świetle doświadczeń międzynarodowych pozytywny wpływ na ... -
Decomposition of trends in youth unemployment – the role of job accessions and separations in countries with different employment protection regimes
(2013)We examine the drivers of youth unemployment in Poland and Spain, countries where youth have a marginalised labour market position. We decompose the trends in unemployment rates in 1990-2011. We disentangle the role of ... -
Did Men Benefit More from Medical Progress in Recent Decades? Cause-of-Death Contributions to the Decreasing Sex-Gap in Life Expectancy in the United States
(2014)BACKGROUND The narrowing of the sex gap in life-expectancy since the mid-1970s in the United States has been explained by women’s growing involvement in previously male-dominated risky behaviours, and in particular tobacco ... -
Different women’s employment and fertility behaviours in similar institutional settings: Evidence from Italy and Poland
(2011)In this paper we compare Italy and Poland, two countries where the country-specific obstacles to work and family reconciliation are similarly strong, but which differ in terms of the history of women’s labour force ... -
Diffusion of cohabitation in Poland
(2010)This paper attempts to establish the stage Poland has reached in the process of cohabitation diffusion, referring to the theoretical model of the process developed in demographic literature. Official statistics suggest ... -
A Dirty Look From The Neighbors. Does Living In A Religious Neighborhood Prevent Cohabitation
(2014)The aim of the paper is to provide insights into how religion influences the family formation process. In particular, we analyze the impact of a neighborhood context religiosity on an individual decision to enter cohabitation. ... -
Diverse paths into childlessness over the life cours
(2013)Childlessness is rarely an outcome of a single decision or can be attributed to one particular reason. Remaining childless should rather be seen as a process influenced by continuously changing context and by many choices ... -
Does Lone Motherhood Decrease Women’s Subjective Well-Being? Evidence from Qualitative and Quantitative Research
(2012)This paper contributes to the discussion on the effects of single motherhood on happiness. We use a mixed-method approach. First, based on in-depth interviews with mothers who gave birth while single, we explore mechanisms ... -
Does parenthood increase happiness? Evidence for Poland
(2011)In the recent decade demographers turned their attention to investigating the effects of children on self-rated happiness or life satisfaction. The underlying idea of this strand of research is to find out whether it ... -
Does the European country-specific context alter the fatherhood premium?
(2014)This paper contributes to the discussion on the effects of childbearing on fathers’ labour market opportunities in Europe. We use instrumental variable models and data from EU-SILC to examine the cross-country variation ... -
Dostosowanie sposobu organizacji czasu pracy do obowiązków rodzinnych w Polsce
(2013)W niniejszym opracowaniu przedstawiamy diagnozę obecnych możliwości dostosowywania organizacji czasu pracy do obowiązków rodzinnych w Polsce na podstawie badań międzynarodowych. Pokazujemy, na ile uwarunkowania i możliwości ... -
The Effect of Being the Only Child on Friendship Nominations
(2015)The literature on sociability stresses that contact with siblings may endow children with the competences needed for interacting with peers. In this paper I examine the effect of the number of siblings at home on friendship ... -
Empirical versus policy equivalence scales: matching estimation
(2011)Properties of three types of equivalence scales obtained through the matching estimations are compared. The scales are derived by estimating the effect that demographic variables have on the houshold expenditures. The ... -
Family formation and subjective well-being.A literature overview
(2010)This paper aims to provide an overview of the leading theoretical concepts and the available empirical evidence on family formation and subjective well-being. It identifies the issues which could be investigated in ... -
The family size effects on female employment. Evidence from the “natural experiments” related to human reproduction
(2013)he “natural experiments” related to human reproduction are an increasingly often applied strategy for assessment of the family size effects on female employment. The aim of this paper is to review theoretical concepts and ...