Przejawy społecznej odpowiedzialności przedsiębiorstw zorientowanej na kobiety (doświadczenia polskie)
Głównym przedmiotem zainteresowania jest to,
w jaki sposób współczesne przedsiębiorstwo, zorientowane marketingowo na kobietę,
uwzględnia w działalności wrażliwość na potrzeby i oczekiwania swych konsumentek.
Należy zadać pytanie, czy tego rodzaju wrażliwość można w konkretnym przypadku
powiązać z realizacją przez przedsiębiorstwo idei społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu. Autorka zakłada, że CSR to strategia funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstwa na rynku, która przekłada się tak na podejmowane działania marketingowe względem konkretnych
produktów (marek), jak i na sposób komunikowania się z konsumentem. Analiza
opiera się w główniej mierze na inicjatywach prowadzonych w Polsce, chociaż należy
wspomnieć, że w większości przypadków działania te mają źródło w innych krajach. People look for products that suit their needs, expectations, aspirations, as well as age, gender and the social roles played. Generally, women are considered the main target group of marketing activities undertaken by a company. The most advertisements and products are addressed to women as women are the main shopping decision makers. Moreover, women influence ever more the decisions on purchasing of products that up to recently used to be the men's domain, and women begin to reach for products that up to recently used to be 'reserved' for men. The author examines how companies that orient their marketing activities on women fit in into their business operations the sensibility to female consumers' needs and expectations. May this kind of sensibility be tied in a particular case to the fulfilment of the corporate social responsibility idea by a company? In the paper, the author examines the activities of three companies: Unilever (holder of the Dove brand), Avon Cosmetics Polska and Oriflame Poland. The selection was made so, as those companies are oriented to women who are the main beneficiaries of products offered, and because of the social activities undertaken by those companies that are addressed to women. The analysis is based on materials obtained from companies as well as information displayed at their official web pages. It refers mainly to the initiatives held in Poland, although in most cases those activities originate in other countries. In the closing part of the considerations the author concludes that offering of a qualitatively good product is at present not sufficient to make a market success. More and more companies start activities that should confirm their understanding to the consumers' needs and expectations. Among the companies scrutinised it is Avon that mostly fulfils the principle of the corporate social responsibility. In this case, the corporate social responsibility is considered a long-term activity undertaken in cooperation with representatives of the local communities to solve the particular social problems that are selected and treated by the company's management as crucial from the long-term corporate interest point of view and strengthen the company's reputation.