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dc.contributor.authorMączyńska, Elżbieta
dc.identifier.citationMączyńska E., Polish Economic Society 200 years of tradition, "Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Ekonomicznego", 2014, nr 2, s. 5-7en
dc.description.abstractPolish Economic Society (PTE) is a public benefit organization aimed at disseminating and popularizing the knowledge of economy, the development of economic theory, and its rational use in practice. The Polish Economic Society, created in 1945, is a continuation of over 200 years of tradition of social movement of economists which continued to operate even in the toughest, most dramatic periods of Polish history. 100 years ago, contained in a speech delivered on 1 March 1921, by Baron Jan Götz-Okocimski on the occasion of the establishment of the of Economic Society in Krakow: “We want to be the eye that sees wealth slumbering in the country and the population. We want to be the ear that catches general needs and means striving to satisfy them. We want to be the brain that is considering, criticizing, and shows the way. However, our activities will not be only on paper, didactic or agitative. We shall do our best so that everything we shall say or write shall be turned into action. (...) We do not want to be either a school or academy; our ambition is to become a central source from which all production needs to learn in order not to fall into stagnation, not wither, not die, and not surrender to the difficulties and obstacles”. (Fragment)en
dc.rightsDozwolony użytek*
dc.subjectPolish Economic Societyen
dc.subjectPolskie Towarzystwo Ekonomicznepl
dc.subjectPublic Benefit Organizationen
dc.subjectOrganizacja pożytku publicznegopl
dc.subjectPublic organizationen
dc.subjectOrganizacja publicznapl
dc.titlePolish Economic Society as a Public Benefit Organizationen
dc.title.alternativePolskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne jako organizacja pożytku publicznegopl
dc.contributor.organizationPolskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczneen
dc.title.journalBulletin Polish Economic Societyen
dc.title.jurnalparallelBiuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Ekonomicznegopl
dc.title.volumePolish Economic Society 200 years of traditionen

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