Now showing items 1-10 of 10
The expedition sponsorship as an element of tourism management
Authors presented analysis of impact of sponsorship in contemporary tourism management. Based on case study of expedition on the K2 mountain pick, authors described process of gaining sponsors, creation of sponsoring ...
Where interculturalism begins? Studies of selected examples of women's modern literature
In this paper the author presented the importance of immigration popular women's literature in intercultural studies. Based on examples of selected books written by women such as: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Leila Aboulela, ...
Management Education of Intercultural Groups – Traps of Stereotypes
Author presents a new perspective of business education of intercultural groups of students. Based on stereotypes analysis she has unhidden barriers of communication between students and lecturers, weak points of education ...
Demand for Management Staff in tourism sector of Wielkopolska
In the paper author has presented basic definitions of labour market, tourism and consequently tourism sector as a labour market. Moreover, based on strategies prepared by local government of the Wielkopolska Region in ...
Multicultural labour market in the SME’s sector – introduction to comparative study of the situation in Poland and Czech Republic
In this article the author has presented and analysed three research problems related to SME’s labour
market in Poland and Czech Republic. The scientist has focused on multicultural aspect of changes
among human resources ...
Nieetyczne postawy biznesmena, pracodawcy i pracownika - porównanie wyników badań z lat 2010 i 2018
Celem artykułu było zaprezentowanie wyników badań dotyczących znalezienia odpowiedzi na następujące pytanie badawcze: czy i w jakim zakresie zmieniło się definiowanie w 2018 roku postaw „nieetycznego biznesmena”, „nieetycznego ...
Innowacja czy reaktywacja, czyli przegląd współczesnych koncepcji w nauce o zarządzaniu w kontekście ich podstaw i genezy metodycnej
Za cel artykułu przyjęto zaprezentowanie wyników analizy wstępnej wybranych, najnowszych trendów w nauce o zarządzaniu i przedstawienie próby oceny poziomu ich innowacyjności lub wskazanie, że stanowią one wyłącznie formę ...
Managerial Aspects of Employing People with Asperger Syndrome in Poland
The article presents managerial and organizational aspects of employing people
with Asperger Syndrome in enterprises in Poland. In the research process, the author conducted theoretical studies in the field of law, ...
Diagnosing and developing the e-business competencies of the "Z" generation
The purpose of the article is to present an example of a diagnostic tool for identifying the competence gap of representatives of the “Z” generation who want to conduct business in the e-business model. The first part ...
RIO Application – the modern ICT tool for management diagnosis of intercultural organization
The author has presented theoretical and practical background of RIO Application. The application has been created as a continuation of the research project Intercultural Aspect of Business Ethics conducted in the years ...