Now showing items 1-4 of 4
In Search of Non-Obvious Relationships between Greenhouse Gas or Particulate Matter Emissions, Renewable Energy and Corruption
The article concerns the issue of the existence of non-obvious relationships and of potential corre-lations between the emission of greenhouse gases and particulate matter (PM), renewable energy and corruption perceptions. ...
Ekoinnowacje w branży produkcji materiałów budowlanych w Polsce
W artykule omówiona została rola ekoinnowacji w działalności przedsiębiorstw z branży produkcji materiałów budowlanych. Analizowana branża cechuje się wysoką dynamiką wzrostu, a także stosunkowo wysokim poziomem innowacyjności ...
Pro-Ecological Initiatives and Profitability of Manufacturing Enterprises
The principal aim of the research was to present and evaluate the approach of manufacturing enterprises to various types of pro-ecological initiatives and to identify their impact on corporate financial performance (revenue, ...
Innovative Green Initiatives in the Manufacturing SME Sector in Poland
Operating a business in the context of current environmental challenges requires managers to shift away from the management model focused solely on the achievement of economic goals. In this situation, pro-ecological (green) ...