Browsing by Title
Now showing items 262-281 of 977
The Great Lockdown: information, noise and macroeconomic fluctuations
(2021-01)This paper argues that noisy information about lockdown can cause undesired economic fluctuations. We construct a New Keynesian model with imperfect information about how long the lockdown would last. On the one hand, a ... -
Gwarancje depozytów bankowych w świetle kryzysu
(Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, 2009)W opracowaniu przedstawiono przyczyny i skutki współczesnego kryzysu finansowego, a także ocenę zmian w zasadach gwarantowania depozytów wprowadzonych w odpowiedzi na kryzys. Analiza obejmuje kraje Unii Europejskiej. -
Hardware and Software over the Course of Long-Run Growth: Theory and Evidence
(2023-09)Output is generated through purposefully initiated physical action. Production needs energy and information, provided by respective factors: hardware (“brawn”), including physical labor and physical capital, and software ... -
The Hardware-Software Model: A New Conceptual Framework of Production, R&D, and Growth with AI
(2019-02)The article proposes a new conceptual framework for capturing production, R&D, and economic growth in aggregative models which extend their horizon into the digital era. Two key factors of production are considered: hardware, ... -
Have European natural gas prices decoupled from crude oil prices? Evidence from TVP-VAR analysis
(2022-06)Unprecedented increases in European natural gas prices observed in late 2021 and early 2022 raise a question about the sources of these events. In this article we investigate this topic using a time-varying parameters ... -
Health, disability, and labor force participation trends in Poland
(2019)W artykule przedstawiono wyniki dekompozycji zmian w profilach wieku dla odsetka osób niepełnosprawnych i współczynników aktywności zawodowej (LFPR) z wykorzystaniem rozkładu wieku–kohorty (APC). Celem analizy jest oddzielenie ... -
Hipoteza o niezamierzonym samobójstwie ekologicznym
(2009-04)Choć już starożytni (Demokryt, Epikur i inni) nawoływali do troski o środowisko naturalne i do życia w zgodzie z naturą (Convenienter naturae vivere – Zenon z Kitionu), podkreślając, że wszystko jej podlega (Omnia subiecta ... -
Historia powstania księgowości podwójnej i rachunku kosztów
(Szkoła Główna Handlowa - Oficyna Wydawnicza, 2011)Spojrzenie na rachunkowość przez pryzmat jej historii pozwala nie tylko lepiej ją zrozumieć, lecz także umożliwia określenie niezmiennych i zmiennych elementów tego systemu informacyjnego. Celem monografii jest przedstawienie ... -
How close? An attempt at measuring the cultural distance between countries
(2014)We present a (to the best of our knowledge) new method for evaluating the relative distance between any two countries, among several, on the basis of individual data. First, clusters of respondents are formed and the ... -
How do firms respond to demand and supply shocks?
(2022-04-12)The study aims to identify the granular demand and productivity shocks, their properties, and the responses of the important firm-level variables to these shocks. We use comprehensive data from the Polish enterprise sector ... -
How Firms Cooperate in Business Groups? Evidence from Poland
(2021)Purpose: The study aims to identify the main directions of intragroup cooperation, along with crucial areas of cooperation in business groups, and develops theoretical models of cooperation in a business group. Methodology: ... -
How Perceiving Vaccines as "Natural" Shapes Vaccination Attitudes: A Worldview Perspective
(SGH Publishing House, 2022)People may perceive vaccines as more or less natural, and it may influence their support for vaccinations. This paper points out that certain people’s worldviews (i.e., the beliefs about the world’s orderliness, ... -
How regional business cycles diffuse across space and time : evidence from a Bayesian Markov switching panel of GDP and unemployment in Poland
(2023-01)We investigate the regional business cycles at NUTS-3 granularity in Poland (N=73) using two variables in parallel: GDP dynamics and unemployment. The model allows for both idiosyncratic business cycle fluctuations in a ... -
"ICONS" - Insurance Contracts as an Opportunity for the New Social Security Systems. Redefining ICONS and Looking for New Guarantees of Welfare States
(2014)Powszechne w XX wieku prawo do świadczeń społecznych dla wszystkich obywateli oraz rozliczne dodatkowe przywileje dla licznych grup socjodemograficznych w dostępie do tych dóbr, w wieku XXI nie będą już stanowiły fundamentu ... -
ICT and ‘Free’ Culture. An Analysis of New Business Models for Cultural Goods on the Internet
(2016)The technological breakthrough has induced fundamental changes in cultural industries, especially those producing informational goods, e.g. book and press publishing, television and radio production, film production, music ... -
The Image of a University of Economics from the Perspective of University Candidates - Based on the SGH Warsaw School of Economics
(2018)The article addresses the concept of university image and its impact on student satisfaction and loyalty. It discusses the factors connected with the need to build and sustain an appropriate image of a university and offers ... -
The impact of firms' expectations & adjustments on the productivity cost of illness
(2016-05)Sickness-related absenteeism hinders firms' productivity and reduces output, an effect referred to as indirect cost (IC) and often included when assessing the burden of an illness or cost-effectiveness of a treatment. The ... -
The Impact of Hard Brexit on Polish Exports
(2018)The decision of the United Kingdom (UK) to leave the European Union (EU) is unprecedented, especially considering the recent trend in the global economy toward economic integration. There is a multitude of research concerning ... -
Impact of International Environment on the Entrepreneurial Marketing Orientation of Small and Medium Enterprises
(Prague University of Economics and Business, Oeconomica Publishing House, 2020-10)Background: A company with transnational ambitions operates, reacts and undertakes its activities within the broadly understood international environment. The article aims at assessing the relationship between the ... -
The impact of national regulations and company size on the structure and content of the statement of financial position under IFRS. Evidence from Poland
(The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, 2018)Previous research on the IFRS practice in the world found the impact of country factors on IFRS financial reporting. Despite the use of the same set of standards there are differences between countries and differences ...