The Role of Innovations in Franchising Cooperation in Retail Trade : Lessons form Poland
Exemplification of innovation creation and implementation in franchise systems is the purpose of the paper. The research approach is based on the study of variety desk research materials and literature. Key findings of the paper indicate that franchise chains struggle with the growing competition and the escalating market saturation with products offered by enterprises and networks of enterprises nowadays. To cope with competition franchise systems should create competitive advantage diversifying their offers with reference to competitors and satisfy needs of customers. It can be made by creating and implementing innovations to let the franchise to achieve competitive edg- es. Practical implications are strongly connected with the popularisation of innovations implementation in franchising systems both invented by franchisees and franchisors. Moreover, social implications are connected with improvement of franchise offer for customers and satisfaction of their needs and preferences. However, the paper has some limitations, mainly due to its exploratory and descriptive nature. Moreover, it contains only framework for further and deeper research.
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