Browsing Artykuły w czasopismach naukowych / Journal articles by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-33 of 33
The Image of a University of Economics from the Perspective of University Candidates - Based on the SGH Warsaw School of Economics
(2018)The article addresses the concept of university image and its impact on student satisfaction and loyalty. It discusses the factors connected with the need to build and sustain an appropriate image of a university and offers ... -
Social enterprise scaling up strategy– franchise development
(2018)This paper is an exploratory study on the essence of social franchise as a business model and form of entrepreneurship and study how to use the proven business model to satisfy social needs. The paper is descriptive in ... -
Synchromodality-as-a-Service – innowacyjny model transportu towarów
(2018)Synchromodalność (zsynchronizowana intermodalność) jest innowacyjną koncepcją w transporcie multimodalnym, która zakłada, że operator logistyczny po uprzednim ustaleniu ze zleceniodawcą głównych parametrów dostawy, takich ... -
Social Initiatives in Food Consumption and Distribution as Part of Sustainable Consumption and Sharing Economy
(2018-01)The aim of this paper is to extract and describe recent social initiatives in food consumption and distribution in Poland and indicate their characteristics related to sustainable consumption, sharing economy and collaborative ... -
Prokrastynacja – wpływ na nasze życie i gospodarkę. Refleksje na temat książki: Ethan Tussey, Prokrastynacja. Kto zarabia na twojej przerwie?, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2018
(2019)Rewolucja cyfrowa i oferowane przez nią nowe technologie, umożliwiające niebywały, zwizualizowany, zwirtualizowany rozwój komunikacji społecznej, sprawiają, że coraz bardziej zacierają się granice między pracą a odpoczynkiem ... -
Destination Management Organizations and Health Tourism Visual Identification in Central and Eastern Europe
(2019)Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify and diagnose the activities of national destination management organizations (DMOs) from Central and Eastern European countries (CEEC) in the scope of a visual identification ... -
Internal Conditioning of Talent Management in Large Enterprises
(2019)The paper presents research findings concerning the internal conditioning of talent management (TM) in large Polish enterprises. Interrelations between TM programmes and corporate strategy were demonstrated. Placement of ... -
Central and Eastern Europe as a Medical Tourism Destination : a Case Study of Poland
(2019)The medical tourism has been changing the healthcare scene especially in the developing countries which offer a combination of low costs for medical services and experienced medical personnel. It gives them the potential ... -
Medical tourism services and medical tourism destinations in Central and Eastern Europe - the opinion of Britons and Germans
(2019-07-04)The aim of this paper is to identify preferred Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) medical tourism destinations (MTD) and medical services in the context of socio-demographic determinants. The computer-assisted web interviewing ... -
Consumption of dietary supplements to support weight reduction in adults according to sociodemographic background, body mass index, waist-hip ratio, body fat and physical activity
(2019-11-05)Background The aim of this study was to analyse the use of dietary supplements to support weight reduction (DSSWR) in adults according to sociodemographic background, body mass index (BMI), waist-hip ratio (WHR), body fat ... -
Boundary conditions for the implementation of smart management systems in tourist destinations
(2020)Objective: Purpose of this paper is twofold: (1) to indicate the business and technological foundations of smart tourism, as well as prospects for its further development; (2) to indicate factors and barriers to the ... -
The use of big data in tourism sales forecasting
(2020)Background. The explosion of big data (BD), automation, and machine learning have allowed contemporary businesses to better understand and predict human behavior. In scientific research big data have been widely used to ... -
Dwie dekady nadużyć na rynku w Polsce. Manipulacje instrumentami finansowymi oraz ujawnianie i wykorzystywanie informacji poufnych w latach 2002–2022
(2023)Cel artykułu. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie kluczowych wniosków z analizy orzecznictwa, w tym definicji oraz najczęstszych modus operandi sprawców oraz charakterystycznych cech przestępstw manipulacji, wykorzystywania ...