Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Factors and barriers to the development of smart urban mobility - the perspective of Polish medium-sized cities
(Polska Akademia Nauk / Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020)
The main purpose of this paper is to indicate factors and barriers to the development of smart mobility in Polish medium-sized cities. A combination of three methods was used (mind mapping, STEEP analysis, and panel ...
Boundary conditions for the implementation of smart management systems in tourist destinations
Objective: Purpose of this paper is twofold: (1) to indicate the business and technological foundations of smart tourism, as well as prospects for its further development; (2) to indicate factors and barriers to the ...
The use of big data in tourism sales forecasting
Background. The explosion of big data (BD), automation, and machine learning have allowed contemporary businesses to better understand and predict human behavior. In scientific research big data have been widely used to ...